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Kyopotoday introduces the story of Anatoly.

  • kyopotoday
  • 2022.02.05 11:46
  • 추천0
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  • 조회366

I'm from Irkutsk. My name is ugeci gasqa. 

I came to Korea to find a job. I got to know 

kyopotoday. Kyopotoday is the most famous 

job site for foreigners in Korea.

I was born in Ulanude, the Republic of Buryat, 

Russia. Buryat is located in the south-central 

part of Siberia. The residents are composed of 

Russians(69.9%), Buryat(24%), Ukrainian(2.2%), 

Tatar(1%), Mongolian(1%), Belarusian, Jewish, 

Evenquian, German, and Tubain.

There's a famous Baikal lake in Buryat.

Lake Baikal is Asia's widest freshwater lake and 

the deepest lake in the world. 

The name Baikal Lake comes from Baikul, 

which means "rich lake" in Tatar.

And three years ago, I worked at a cotton farm 

in Uzbekistan. One Sunday, I went to Bukhara, 

Uzbekistan. There, people said that if you go 

to Korea, you can make a lot of money. So I 

came to Korea.

Bukhara is a city that enjoyed a brilliant culture 

in Central Asia. The name of the city, Bukhara, 

means a library. Sogd had been in charge of 

the Silk Road in Bukhara for a thousand years. 

The Sogd are a nation that has dominated 

the Central Asian Silk Road for more than a 

thousand years.

The prototype of the fabric we are wearing 

today was also created by Sogd. Chinese silk 

was woven horizontally. However, the pattern 

was not colorful. Sogd developed a vertical 

weaving technique. Finally, horizontal and vertical 

weaving techniques were combined to form a 

perfect silk. Sogd silk, which developed horizontal 

and vertical weaving technology, has become 

much better and more expensive than Chinese 

silk. The silk found in the West today was made 

by Sogd.

In Uzbekistan, my name is Even Sina. My Uzbekistan

friend gave me this name.

Even Sina is a famous medieval Islamic philosopher. 

Even Sina is called the king of learning. Even Sina 

was born in 980 AD in Afshana near Bukhara. 

Even Sina has been called a genius since he was 

young. He mastered all his studies at the age of 18.

He has written more than 400 books. But there's 

no book about political and military history. 

In Arabic and Persian, Even Sina wrote books 

of all disciplines, including philosophy, religion, 

archaeology, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, 

chemistry, psychology, geography, and linguistics.

Sometimes he was a noble and then a beggar. This 

was the life of scholars of the time. He wandered 

through Central Asia and Persia for 30 years. He 

died in Hamadan, Iran.

As an Islamic doctor and philosopher, he was a 

master of Aristotle's studies in the Islamic era and 

had a great influence on medieval European 

medicine and philosophy.


My name in Korea is Anatoly. 

I'm working at a pig farm in Paju, Gyeonggi-do.

It is good to have a job site called Kyopotoday 

in Korea. I was able to find many jobs at Kyopotoday.

So I could go to my current job.

Thank you for kyopotoday.

See you later.


※ 3. Kyopotoday introduces the story of Anatoly.

㏇ 내국인 한테도 당당하고, 자존감 있는, 

좋은일자리 구인구직사이트 교포투데이 입니다.

교포투데이 kyopotoday



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