Hello, this is David from Hangil Bond Matching Corporation! I am a manager from the company, and we are hiring new staff that can help us to make document and participate in business alliance meeting for potential clients. Hangil Bond is a real estate consulting company that provides management advice on NPL(non-performing loans) and performing loans. Our work environment is very casual and easy going. We are looking for someone who is interested in financing and real-estate in general. Most importantly, we are looking for someone that can speak English and Korean. Please let us know if you are interested via email or phone!
Email: hangilbond@gmail.com
Phone: 010-8530-1406
Website: https://www.hangilbond.com/
* 회사소개
- 한길채권매칭 주식회사는 부실채권, 담보부채권 관련 경영자문을 하는 부동산 컨설팅 회사 입니다! 저희와 함께 성장할 직원을 찾고 있습니다. ^^
* 업무내용
- 문서 작성, 서류 송달, 업무 제휴 미팅
* 우대사항- 한국어 중급, 영어 상급, 컴퓨터 문서 작성이 가능하신 분
* 고용형태
- 파트타임 고용 후 정규직 전환
* 업무시간
- 10:00~16:00 (추후 협의 가능)
* 휴게시간
- 12:30~13:00
* 지원방법
- 업무시간(09:00-18:00) 중 문자 또는 전화 지원 (010-8530-1406)